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Aidance Scientific, Inc

Natural Ingredients Provide Powerful Skin Relief

Active: Calendula Officinalis
for skin eruption relief
active ingredient

Calendula is commonly known to gardeners as the pot marigold and has been used for centuries to treat inflammation and speed the healing of wounds. In addition to being an excellent anti-inflammatory and overall wound healing aid, Calendula has been found to have antibacterial properties, greatly soothes and repairs damaged skin, and acts as a powerful moisturizing agent.

Active: Thuja Occidentalis
for skin eruption relief
active ingredient

Thuja Occidentalis, or Eastern White Cedar, is an evergreen tree. Thuja leaves, twigs and leaf oil are commonly used to speed the healing of a range of skin disorders and ailments. Rich in essential oil, Thuja possesses antiviral properties. It is considered a crucial medication for treating warts and herpes. Thuja assists with cell recovery while providing soothing relief for itching, inflammation, dryness and discomfort.

Active: Comfrey
Max Strength Only
active ingredient

Rich in antioxidants, Comfrey is used to reduce the inflammation and swelling of a healing wound and promote the growth of fresh, healthy skin cells. It has also been shown to be helpful in easing soreness.

Organic Beeswax

Natural Beeswax is known for its deep moisturizing and skin conditioning abilities. Its nutrient-rich wax is gentle, hypoallergenic, and will not clog pores during usage. It is reported that beeswax is not only able to protect damaged skin, but its vitamin A content may help aid in the development of fresh, new skin.

Magnesium Oxide
magnesium oxide

Magnesium oxide is a positively charged compound of Magnesium and Oxygen that plays a key function in our Activated Minerals® technology. It has been found to promote cell health, and to support the function of over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. This makes it a key player in skin restoration.

Cottonseed Oil
cottonseed oil

Cotton Seed oil is powerful moisturizer, high in antioxidants and known for rich vitamin E, linoleic acid, and oleic acid content.

Peppermint Oil
peppermint oil

Peppermint is a soothing, cleansing ingredient. It is believed to balance pH levels on the skin’s surface and regulate the production of oil. Although concentrated peppermint oil can be irritating to infants, people with highly sensitive skin, or women who are nursing or pregnant, diluted peppermint oil (such as the levels used in Aidance products) is safe for all ages and skin types.

Sage Oil
sage oil

Sage oil is one of nature’s most impressive ingredients. It is said to help soothe skin irritations. For this reason, sage oil is widely used in skin care products.

Silver Oxide
silver oxide

Silver Oxide, a compound of Silver and Oxygen, is a positive multivalent compound that works synergistically with the other compounds of our Activated Minerals® technology. Its powerful attraction to negatively charged ions helps to target and accelerate the delivery of active ingredients to the root of the skin infection. It naturally has a +1 and +3 charge.

Jojoba Seed Oil
jojoba seed oil

Jojoba Seed Oil is derived from the Jojoba plant, a woody shrub that grows in desert regions around the world. Due to its unique properties, Jojoba oil has been used to help support the healing of a wide range of common skin conditions. When applied to dry skin, Jojoba oil forms a long-lasting moisture seal that continues to soften and restore over time. Jojoba oil also has tremendous soothing properties, making it ideal for application to highly irritated areas. Studies also suggest that Jojoba oil faciliates the cutaneous penetration of active ingredients.

Tea Tree Oil
tea tree oil

Derived from the Tea Tree, which grows in damp, muddy, lush areas, this oil was first used to ward off bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, and tropical skin threats. Long before science recognized its antiseptic properties, it was a staple healing ingredient to correct skin irregularities, counter infection, and protect wounds. Recent studies revealed its cicatrisant properties, promoting scar tissue development, and helping neutralize existing skin marks. Because of these recent discoveries, tea tree oil is a commonly used to benefit the skin.

Zinc Oxide
zinc oxide

Zinc Oxide, a combination of Zinc and Oxygen, is a positively charged compound that plays a key function in our Activated Minerals™ technology. It has also skin protectant qualities. Several studies have also indicated that Zinc Oxide has numerous outstanding medicinal properties to benefit skin health.

multi-purpose ointment

Terrasil Skin Repair is a must-have for every medicine cabinet. Use it for any skin issues caused or exacerbated by bacterial infection. See a full list, here!

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Natural Ingredients
natural ingredients

We are proud to have formulated an all-natural remedy. Terrasil Skin Repair is made with jojoba oil versus petroleum. What are the benefits? See for yourself!

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Superior Germ-Killing Formula
germ-killing formula

Terrasil Skin Repair’s superior germ-killing formula works to kill germs before infection worsens. With this type of protection, you can experience relief, faster.

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