Phone: 401-432-7750 (US) or 001-781-989-9586 (Int'l)
At Aidance Scientific, we are proud to have formulated an all-natural remedy for even the toughest skin conditions.
Unlike most first aid ointments, terrasil Skin Repair is made with jojoba oil versus petroleum. What are the differences? We’re glad you’ve asked.
Jojoba Oil:
Petroleum Oil:
Your skin deserves to be nourished, the organic way. Don’t be fooled; our non-irritating formula is still both strong and effective. We are proud to have a formula without harsh chemicals that could potentially irritate your skin, or cause pain during the healing process. Other natural ingredients of terrasil Skin Repair include organic beeswax, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil. For a full list of our natural ingredients, click here.
Terrasil Skin Repair is a must-have for every medicine cabinet. Use it for any skin issues caused or exacerbated by bacterial infection. See a full list, here!
We are proud to have formulated an all-natural remedy. Terrasil Skin Repair is made with jojoba oil versus petroleum. What are the benefits? See for yourself!
Terrasil Skin Repair’s superior germ-killing formula works to kill germs before infection worsens. With this type of protection, you can experience relief, faster.